<aside> 💡 Description: Examples of audible human voice and speech recognition which let user control 3D object’s animation. Optimisation included. Based on Web Speech API



  1. Add model to the Scene:


  2. Insert custom code below by clicking on {} icon:

// ======= Animation Engine ================
// make sure you use Mesh/Object with animations[]
const animatedObject = this.object3D.children[0];
const clock = new this.THREE.Clock();
const mixer = new this.THREE.AnimationMixer(animatedObject);
const clips = animatedObject.animations;
let started = false;
let animated = false;

// ======= Animation Engine ================
// Animation engine will be avaliable via SDK very soon.
// TODO: rewrite playAnim / stopAnim / stopAllAnims / animAction / crossFade to SDK commands

let activeAnim = 'standing';

const playAnim = (name) => {
    clips.forEach( ( clip ) => {
      if (clip.name === name) mixer.clipAction( name ).play();
    } );
    activeAnim = name;

const stopAnim = (name) => {
    clips.forEach( ( clip ) => {
      if (clip.name === name) mixer.clipAction( name ).stop();
    } );

const stopAllAnims = () => {
    clips.forEach( ( clip ) => {
	    mixer.clipAction( clip ).stop();
    } );

const animAction = (name) => {
    const clip = this.THREE.AnimationClip.findByName( clips, name );
    return mixer.clipAction( clip );

const crossFade = (fromAction, toAnim, time) => {
    if (activeAnim === toAnim) return;
    animated = (toAnim !== 'standing' && toAnim !== 'sitting') ? true : false;

    animAction(fromAction).crossFadeTo( animAction(toAnim), time );
    setTimeout(() => animAction(fromAction).stop(), time * 1000);
    activeAnim = toAnim;

const setupAnimBehavior = () => {
    mixer.addEventListener( 'loop', ( e ) => { 
      crossFade(activeAnim, 'standing', 0.15);
      animated = false;
    } );

    animAction(activeAnim).play(); // default activeAnim = 'standing'; // 'sitting'
// ======= Animation Engine ================

// =========== render loop ===========
const render = () => {
        const delta = clock.getDelta();
        mixer.update( delta );
// Reassign to Geenee Render Loop
this.activeSceneModel.userCallbacks.onRender = render;
// =========== render loop ===========

// List of voice commands options. Desiered word should be first in Array
const sitC = ['sit', 'set', 'seat', 'sick', 'see', 'down', 'city']; // run anumation "sitting"
const upC = ['up', 'app', 'opt', 'standup']; // run anumation "standing"
const shakeC = ['shake', 'snake', 'sake', 'shape']; // run anumation "shake"
const rolloverC = ['rollover', 'roll', 'over', 'roller']; // run anumation "rollover"
const playdeadC = ['playdead', 'play', 'dead', 'dad', 'playgnat', 'add']; // run anumation "play_dead"
const commandsList = [sitC, upC, shakeC, rolloverC, playdeadC];

// input animation word trigger -> run coresponding animation        
const commands = {
    'shake': () => {
        crossFade(activeAnim, 'shake', 1.0);
    'sit': () => {
        crossFade(activeAnim, 'sitting', 1.0);
    'up': () => {
        crossFade(activeAnim, 'standing', 1.0);
    'rollover': () => {
        crossFade(activeAnim, 'rollover', 1.0);
    'playdead': () => {
        crossFade(activeAnim, 'play_dead', 1.0);

const runCommand = (commandName) => {
  // split voice command by [space] to find at least one word relative to animation commands
  const inputCommandsArr = commandName.toLowerCase().split(' ');

  inputCommandsArr.forEach(command => {
    // check if it exist in initial command list.
    commandsList.forEach(list => {
      if (list.includes(command)) {
          // if so - run the same animation name as first element in the coresponding list.


// ===== Speech Recognition Logic =========
if ("webkitSpeechRecognition" in window) {

  let speechRecognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
  let final_transcript = "";

  speechRecognition.continuous = true;
  speechRecognition.interimResults = true;
  // setup default language
  speechRecognition.lang = 'en-US';

  // speechRecognition.onstart = () => {}; // on start callback

  speechRecognition.onerror = () => {
    alert("Microphone is disabled. Go to Settings -> Safari -> Microphone -> Allow. Restart the page"); 
  }; // on error callback

  // restart recognition after auto stop
  speechRecognition.onend = () => {

  speechRecognition.onresult = (event) => {
    let interim_transcript = "";
    if (animated) return;

    for (let i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; ++i) {
      if (event.results[i].isFinal) {
        // final result
        final_transcript = event.results[i][0].transcript;
      } else {
        // temporaty results
        interim_transcript = event.results[i][0].transcript;


    this.activeSceneModel.$parent.emitter.addListener('geenee-model-placed', () => {
      // start recognition and first animation after model placed

} else {
  alert("Speech Recognition Not Available. Go to Settings -> Safari/Chrome -> Microphone -> Allow");
// ===== Speech Recognition Logic ========
  1. Enjoy ;)